When you've connected your Amazon FBA account with Flexport and have inventory in Reserve Storage, you'll start receiving recommendations to replenish your FBA inventory so that you do not have to worry about stockouts in Amazon FBA. Moreover, you'll be able to execute the replenishment effortlessly.
How does it work?
Our systems will monitor the inventory and sales data for SKUs with inventory in Reserve Storage and listed on FBA. When a SKU has low levels of inventory in FBA, our system will automatically recommend that you replenish the inventory from Reserve storage to FBA.
- An email will be sent to you each week detailing the SKUs to be replenished, as shown below
- A draft transfer will be automatically created for the recommended SKUs, and the details of these transfers will be shared in the email
- You can view/edit the draft transfer and confirm it to initiate the transfer of inventory from Reserve Storage to FBA.
- You can also opt-in to automatically confirm these transfers as described below
1. The minimum amount we will replenish is one case pack.
2. Recommendations will occur for SKUs that have inventory in Reserve Storage and have/had inventory in FBA
Auto Confirm Recommendations
If you find the recommendations suggested by the system for replenishment useful, you can choose to enable auto confirm for your transfers. This means that you will not need to manually confirm the transfers each time and instead our systems will automatically confirm and initiate these transfers. You will however still receive email with details of the transfer and review the confirmed transfer in Flexport portal.
Step to enable auto-confirm
- Visit Settings->Inventory page on Flexport portal
- Navigate to "Recommend transfers from Reserve Storage into Amazon's Prime-ready fulfillment centers (FBA)" section
- Check on "Confirm recommended transfers automatically"
- Click on "Save Changes"
Note: Currently the recommendations will be auto-confirmed using Amazon Parcel as a shipping method. You'll be able to select preferred shipping method for auto-confirmed orders soon.
Can I opt out of FBA recommendations?
Yes, you can choose to opt out of FBA recommendations that you receive as well as the creation of draft transfers.
- Visit Settings->Inventory page on Flexport portal
- Toggle off "Recommend transfers from Reserve Storage into Amazon's Prime-ready fulfillment centers (FBA)"
- Click on "Save Changes"
Frequently Asked Questions:
How do I enroll in this?
Merchants who have inventory in Reserve Storage and have connect their Amazon FBA account to Flexport will be automatically enrolled in this recommendations.
Refer here to connect your Amazon FBA account.
I have enough inventory, so why does Flexport recommend I replenish my inventory in FBA?
Let's review an example using the SKU below:
Although the inventory is at 100 and demand is 15, we still ask to replenish 204 units because:
- It's possible all or most of the inventory is in Texas region (which is not included in regions to replenish column), hence we ask to replenish other regions as the inventory might be low elsewhere
- Currently we only replenish in multiples of case pack, so if the recommended quantity is 10 or 20 to replenish but if the case pack size is 500 units per case pack then we will suggest to replenish 500 units i.e., 1 case pack.
Are the recommendations in sync with Amazon's reorder suggestions?
Yes, the SKU and quantity being recommended by Flexport is in sync with the Amazon's reorder suggestions.
Need help?
If you have any questions, please connect with us through live chat or create a ticket with our support team following steps here.