Product Packaging Restrictions
As per Amazon, case packed product:
- Should not have more than 150 units in a case pack
- Case dimensions should not exceed 25 inches on any side
- Case should not weigh more than 50 lbs
Small Parcel Delivery
Small parcel delivery (SPD) is for items packed in shipping boxes that are individually labeled for delivery. Usually, these are smaller shipments that are sent via DHL, UPS, FedEx, or local postal services.
As per Amazon, a small parcel shipment must:
- Be labelled with box and parcel labels (handled by Flexport)
- Not have more than 200 boxes if using Amazon Parcel
- Not have more than 500 boxes if using Flexport Parcel
Freight (LTL/FTL) Delivery
Freight (LTL/FTL) is for shipping boxes arranged and shipped on pallets. Usually, these are larger shipments that are sent via freight carriers.
As per Amazon, all freight shipments must:
- Weigh minimum of 150 lbs
- Be labelled with box and pallet labels (handled by Flexport)
- Not have more than 5000 boxes in a single shipment
- Pallet must not weight more than 1500 lbs (handled by Flexport)
- Must not have more than 26 pallets in a shipment for Amazon partnered carrier
for more details please refer directly to Amazon Seller Central article here.