When you create an ecommerce inbound or Replenishment inbound, the first screen will ask you to Select and add case-packed products. On this step, you need to add all the SKUs you are inbounding as a part of this shipping plan.
To upload in bulk:
- First, click the Upload File button.
- Download the template, the file type is .xlsx. The template will have two tabs Instructions which has all the column definitions and Upload_Template where you add your product data.
- Fill out the template
- Save the template as .xlsx file after your products are added
- Upload file
//Note: For uploading the bulk induction shipping plan must be a .xlsx file
If there are errors processing your file, you will be instructed on how to resolve them. When everything is correct and uploaded you will see a success toast and all your products added to your shipping plan.
Columns and Description in the csv
Column | Description |
Merchant SKU (MSKU) | A unique identifier for the product. If an MSKU and Units per box combination is listed more than once, the file will show an error when processing. |
Flexport SKU (DKSU) | Flexport unique identifier for the product. If a DSKU and Units per box combination is listed more than once, the file will show an error when processing. |
Units per box | The number of units in each box. Must be a whole number 1 or greater. |
Number of boxes | The number of boxes in the shipment. Must be a whole number 1 or greater. |
Box length (in) ** | The length of each single-SKU case that will be shipped. Must be a positive number up to 60 inches. |
Box width (in) ** | The width of each single-SKU case that will be shipped. Must be a positive number up to 60 inches. |
Box height (in) ** | The height of each single-SKU case that will be shipped. Must be a positive number up to 60 inches. |
Box weight (lb) ** | The weight of each single-SKU case that will be shipped. Must be a positive number up to 1500 pounds. |
Lot number | A unique identifier assigned to a batch of items. |
Expiration date format | The format of expiration date (yyyy-mm-dd or yyyy-mm) |
Expiration date | The date of expiry of products as per the format selected |
If you have any questions, please connect with us through live chat or create a ticket with support following the instructions here.
Important Callouts
Orders that are not destined for Flexport Ecommerce Fulfillment Network and FBA will still be done manually from your personal Tracker. Please refer to the Inventory Movement SOP for instructions and further details.