Flexport cannot import SKUs from third-party integrations into our system if the SKU value has a punctuation mark such as : \ / ? # [ ] @ ! $ & ' ( ) * + , ; = % { } " ` > < | or any other special character, in general, except dashes (-).
This is because these characters cause problems whenever we try to update the integration with your current inventory levels or update orders with current tracking information. They can also cause problems with warehouse fulfillment, package labeling, or any other process that refers to your catalog.
Additionally, some platforms do not accept spaces in SKUs. We recommend avoiding using spaces as a precaution, as well.
Fixing SKU values with special characters
To fix a SKU value with special characters, log in to your integration, find the product, and edit the SKU value to remove any punctuation marks or spaces. We recommend that your SKU values be all capital letters with numbers as necessary.
For example, in Shopify, you would locate the product by clicking ‘Product’ in the sidebar menu. Then, under Inventory, edit the SKU value appropriately (If there are variants, you will need to select the variant first). Click 'Save' to save your changes.
Next, log in to your Flexport SellerPortal and click ‘Inventory’ in the sidebar menu. Then, click 'Sync Catalog.' This will re-import the product into Flexport as a new product with a new DSKU.
To avoid confusion, connect the newly imported channel alias to the original DSKU that currently has positive inventory. Then, hide the newly created product with 0 inventory from the Flexport Inventory page.
In the IDENTIFIERS & BARCODES section of the Product Details page, edit the SKU field to match the new SKU you created (without special characters). This is not a required step but will help you to maintain an accurate inventory in Flexport.
Special characters in product names
Special characters in product names and titles are typically allowed on various platforms; however, quotation marks in an Etsy product listing cause trouble. Product listings with quotation marks will fail to import into your Flexport inventory until you remove the quotation marks in Etsy, then sync your catalog again in your Flexport Portal.
Here’s an example of a product name and title with special characters from Walmart Seller Central, then in the Flexport Portal.