A mixed cart occurs when a customer’s cart has items stored within Flexport and outside of Flexport. Depending on the merchant setup, Flexport can fulfill part of the order with Flexports inventory.
If Flexports part of the order has a Fast Delivery badge, Flexport will add a “partially expedited” shipping option (shown below), depending on the item delivery speed.
Partially Expedited Shipping Method
All Flexport fulfilled items in the mixed cart will be shipped at the same speed. The shipping method shown on the check-out page will depend on the shipping speed the entire Flexport part of the cart is eligible for. The entire Flexport part of the cart is eligible for the fastest speed the entire cart can be fulfilled by. For example: If the Flexport part of the cart consists of one Next Day item and one 3 Day item, Flexport will fulfill the entire Flexport part of the cart at the 3-Day shipping method and speed.
The shipping option will also return a message below the shipping method tag that identifies:
- Up to 2 unique Shopify variant names will be shipped at the fast delivery speed
- The estimated delivery date for the fast shipping items
When does a mixed cart occur?
A mixed cart occurs when a customer’s cart has items stored within Flexport, and outside of Flexport. Depending on the merchant setup, Flexport can fulfill part of the order with Flexports inventory.
For mixed cart orders, will the Flexport items ship at the same speed?
All Flexport fulfilled items in the mixed cart will be shipped at the same speed. The shipping method shown on the check-out page will depend on the shipping speed the entire Flexport part of the check-out cart is eligible for. The entire Flexport part of the cart is eligible for the fastest speed the entire cart can be fulfilled by. For example: If the Flexport part of the cart consists of one Next Day item and one 3 Day item, Flexport will fulfill the entire Flexport part of the cart at the 3-Day shipping method and speed.
For mixed cart orders, will the Flexport items ship in one or multiple shipments?
Similar to all Flexport orders, Flexport will aim to ship in the least number of shipments possible based on warehouse inventory availability. However, we will ship separately if the items are being shipped from multiple warehouses.
When will the faster shipping option not show on the check-out page?
There are some exceptions when we can’t add a partially expedited shipping option:
- If some of the items are in a different Shopify location, Shopify will combine shipping rates for the locations, which will remove this method.
- This feature is not compatible if you have multi-origin or multi-location set up in Shopify
Please submit a support ticket if these do not apply to you, and the shipping option is not properly displayed.
Why does my item not have the Fast Delivery badge?
An item won't have the Fast Delivery badge if:
- The item is not fulfilled by Flexport
- There is no inventory in the customer's area
- You have turned off Shopify Fast Tags for the item in Flexport Seller Portal
What happens when the Flexport part of the order has one item with a Fast Delivery badge and one item without?
If a customer checks out with a single item without the Fast Delivery badge, Flexport simply won't add any shipping options (make sure you have default options set up for these situations). Therefore the new partially expedited shipping option will not be available, and the entire order will be shipped at the Standard delivery speed.
What shipping rate will be displayed to shoppers at check-out?
The shipping rate displayed will be the same as it would be for a Fast Tag cart. For example, if you previously had cart minimum activated, it will be free once the cart minimum is reached; otherwise, it will be paid depending on your Fast Tag setting.
What fulfillment fee will be charged to merchants?
Flexport will charge the Fast Tag fulfillment fee instead of the Standard fulfillment rate as we are now shipping Flexports order at the expedited speed.