Before you get started
To display Fast Tags on multiple Shopify stores you will need to have already imported your products into your Flexport account by connecting the Shopify stores to Flexport either directly or via a Listing Tool. Please see How do I Connect Multiple Shopify Stores to my Flexport Account? for more information.
Step 1: In Flexport Portal, select ‘+ Add Fast Tag’
Step 2: Locate Shopify Fast Tags and select ‘Add Shop’
Step 3: You will be prompted to confirm Shopify Fast Tag activation. Select ‘Confirm’
Step 4: Follow the setup instructions
These will be the same as your initial Fast Tag setup for your first store.
Notice something different?
When multiple stores are connected to Flexport, the Fast Tag menu in your Flexport Portal will no longer display as ‘Shopify Fast Tags.’ Instead, there will be a line item for each of your Shopify stores, displayed as their respective store names.