What are variant listings?
Variant listings are groupings of similar items that have different variations, such as in color or size. Each eBay listing can contain 5 variations and up to 60 values for each of those details. More information about eBay variants here.
Can I send SKUs paired with variant listings over to Flexport?
No - we only support non-variant, or flat listings at this time. Your variant listings will be transferred to your Flexport product catalog, but you will not be able turn on fast tags paired with variant listings. This is due to the way that eBay and Flexport currently links together.
If you want fast shipping tags to appear on your eBay listings, you must create a flat listing for each variant and then send SKUs associated with each of those flat listings over to Flexport.
What if I'm using a listing tool for eBay?
Beware, your listing tool may automatically create variants, which won't work with Flexport's fast shipping on solution at the moment. To go around this, you can do either of the following:
A. Create the items that you want fast shipping applied to directly on eBay (not using a listing tool)
B. Make sure your listing tool does not use variants