There are times when you will need to transfer items from Replenishment to your active fulfillment centers so they are ready for eCommerce.
- Go to Replenishments and press Create Transfer
- Select Flexport Ecomm Fulfillment Network or Amazon FBA
- Select the SKUs you'd like to transfer
- Select the number of boxes you'd like to transfer
- Confirm the estimated transfer costs. Transfer costs are currently billed manually by our teams. Contact Support if you have any questions.
- Monitor the state of your transfer on the Transfers page.
Note: Currently you will be able to transfer only up to 26 pallets in a single transfer from Reserve Storage to Flexport e-com facilities. You would be able to transfer more than 26 pallets by creating multiple transfers.
Transferring to a Crossdock
There are certain Replenishment sites for which Flexport will automatically arrange transportation or movement from Replenishment to the nearest crossdock when a transfer is placed to our e-commerce network. These sites are located typically in the same building or within 100 miles of our crossdock. For any sites outside of this range, you are responsible for arranging transportation from Replenishment to the crossdock.
For the following Replenishment sites, Flexport will automatically arrange transportation or movement of your inventory from Replenishment to our local crossdock. Simply create the transfer in Flexport Portal and you are done!
- Perris (23111 Perry St, Perris, CA 92570)
- Custom Goods (13479 Valley Blvd, Fontana, CA 92335)
- San Bernardino (2615 E. Third St, San Bernardino, CA 92408)
- Phillipsburg (3000 Rand Blvd, Phillipsburg, NJ 08865
Cancel Transfer
Follow below steps to cancel the transfer order from Replenishment to Flexport's ecom fulfillment.
- Navigate to Replenishments in Flexport Portal
- Shipments eligible for cancellation would have a check box on the left hand side.
- Select the shipments you want to cancel and click on "Delete Transfer".
- Click on "Delete Transfer" on the confirmation screen.
- You'll see a successful message on bottom right of the screen if order is canceled successful
- You'll see a failure message on bottom right of the screen if order cannot be canceled.
If the transfer is not able to be canceled it is because it has already begun to process. Transfers that our warehouse(s) have started to process can not be canceled via Flexport Portal. Please reach out to support to check if for the possibility of cancellation of such orders.