Step 1: Log in to your Flexport Portal account
Click ‘+ Add Integration’ in the left sidebar menu. Then, select ‘+ Add Integration’ under SellerChamp in the list of integrations.
Step 2: Enter your SellerChamp API key
You will be prompted to input your API key into your Flexport Portal account.
You can generate your API key by logging into SellerChamp and navigating to the dropdown in the top right-hand corner and selecting ‘Settings,’ then ‘API Settings.’
Click the 'Generate API Keys' button to generate your API key. Go back into your Flexport Portal account to enter this key and select ‘Connect SellerChamp.’
Step 3: Add the Flexport Portal as a Fulfillment Service
From within your SellerChamp account, select ‘Settings’ from the dropdown menu in the top right corner and click 'Fulfillment Services' from the left-hand menu and add a new fulfillment service as shown below. Be sure to configure your account with the following settings:
Name: Flexport
Fulfillment Client ID: n/a
Fulfillment Method: Do not select a value
ShipVia Code: n/a
Auto-fulfill Orders: ON
Mark as Shipped: Only once order is shipped out by Fulfillment provider
Mark as Acknowledged: As soon as order is sent to Fulfillment provider
When you’ve finished configuring these settings, select ‘Add Account.’
If you have any questions about your SellerChamp integration setup, please contact the SellerChamp Support Team.