Step 1: Start in Flexport Portal
Click ‘+ Add Integration’ in the left sidebar menu in Flexport Portal. Then, select ‘+ Add Integration’ under “ListingMirror” in the list of integrations.
Step 2: Obtain your API integration credentials from your ListingMirror account
Sign in to your ListingMirror account and select the API Integration menu item from the Integrations menu.
This will display a new page with your API Integration key and username. You will need these values to connect with Flexport.
If you do not know the existing password value, you'll need to click ‘Reset Password on Integration.’ This will display a new password value that you can copy, along with the username.
NOTE: If you reset your password, you will need to change the password to the new value in any other system that connects to ListingMirror via the API Integration.
Step 3: Enter your API Integration Username and Password as prompted in Flexport Portal, then click ‘Connect ListingMirror’
If the integration is successful, a new warehouse will be created in ListingMirror called "Deliverr," and your product catalog will be imported.