How you resolve an error will differ depending on the message you receive. Here we have compiled a list of common error messages followed by resources and basic troubleshooting steps:
The error indicates that your product is too large:
- Please review our dimensional requirements
- If you are shipping via the Forwarding program from the western half of the US, the max weight of any box is 50 lbs, and the max dimensions are 40" for the longest side, 30" for the median side, and 30" for the shortest side.
- You will need to remove any items from the shipping plan that are over the dimensions given in the error message and inbound them via a different method.
- If your product is smaller than listed within the Flexport Portal and you have never inbounded them before, you should be able to click the Estimate button on the Inventory page and change the dimensions.
- If your product is smaller than listed within the Flexport Portal and the Estimate option is not available, please grab a screenshot and write to our Support team or connect via chat with that information so we can investigate.
An error stating too many or too few are boxed:
- Note that each shipment is for ONE location. On each page, you are requested to separate the items for one shipment, not all of the shipments. If you are using the Forwarding program, this is still the case. The numbers on the left need to be equal to what you put into the boxes on the right.
An error when clicking next after the barcoding pages or when you attempt to accept shipping charges:
- The label buying service may be temporarily down. In these cases, we request that you wait up to 24 hours, clear your cache, and try again. The issue will likely resolve much sooner, though. Generally 3-5 hours is all the wait that is needed.
- If you are using Flexport rates, the Ship From address must be located in the United States. Flexport rates for inbounds do not support international locations.
An error appears to be a bug or technical glitch. A few simple troubleshooting steps can sometimes resolve these issues:
- Clear cache/cookies in your history settings - Navigate to Clear Browsing Data/History in your browser and check the boxes for “Clear Cache” as well as “Cookies and Other Site Data”
- Attempt to complete your inbound in Incognito Mode
- Attempt completion on another computer or device
- Duplicate or create a new inbound shipment - check the box next to the inbound you would like to duplicate and click the “Duplicate” button on the top right of the inbounds page
The error indicating that you have too many products
- We only support a maximum of 1000 products per shipping plans created in Seller Portal, and 3000 products per shipping plans created via our Logistics API>Inbounds>’Create a Shipment’ API capability.
- Remove the extra SKUs, and create another shipping plan for them
If none of the above resolves the issue you are seeing, then we may need to create a ticket for our engineering team to investigate further. We request that you provide us with a description of the problem you are seeing as well as screenshots.