Add the native Fast 'N Free fast tag to your Google product listing ads or Buy on Google listings with Flexport's Google Shopping Fast Tag program. At no extra cost, capture your search audience's attention with Google's Free 1-, 2-, and 3-day delivery tags.
Before getting started, make sure that:
- You have a Google Merchant Center account
- You uploaded your Google Merchant Center products via a feed, rather than directly in the Merchant Center.
Google ads to your website
Flexport will add "Free 1-Day," "Free 2-Day," or "Free 3-Day" fast tags to Google product listing ads that link directly to your web store. Fast tags will appear on both the Google ad and the linked product page on your website, creating a consistent user experience.
- Shopify Fast Tags or Website Fast Tags must be enabled (otherwise we will not push Fast Tags for Google Ads)
- Your website store must offer free standard shipping (7 days or faster) throughout the contiguous US for all products eligible for fulfillment.
- Your Google products must have the following link information in order for fast coverage to show for your customers.
Shopping Actions (Buy on Google) listings
Flexport will add 1-, 2-, and 3-Day delivery promises to your Buy on Google listings. You must have a sales channel that supports Google Shopping Actions in order to turn on fast delivery promises for Buy on Google listings.