Did we lose your order? Is your order showing no tracking movement? Did we deliver your product damaged?
You can submit an order claim to us directly through our Flexport Portal.
Submit a claim for damaged products or lost delivery
Submit a claim for packages still in transit.
The following claims will be supported:
- Order delivered but lost - The order status is delivered, but your customer reports that they have not received it.
- Order with no tracking movement - Package(s) are not moving according to carrier tracking for at least 7 calendar days and we missed delivering the order on-time.
- Order delivered damaged - Your customer reports that the products they received were damaged.
- Missing product - Your customer reports that a product is missing in the package they received.
- Incorrect product - Your customer reports that they received a product they did not order in their package.
Order Claim Policy
Submission Window
You have 30 days after the promised delivery date to submit claims for damaged orders, lost in transit orders and delivered but lost orders. The "Submit Claim" button should appear 3 business days (5 business days 11/15/2023 - 01/15/2024) after the Promised Delivery date.
Credit Value
On approved order claims for lost in transit and damaged orders, we will reimburse the full wholesale value of affected product(s) and the fulfillment fee. Should you not be able or willing to share commercial invoices that show the wholesale value, we will defer to 40% of the retail value.
On approved order claims for orders delivered but lost, we will reimburse the fulfillment fee.
How to Submit Order Claims
In order to submit a claim, Flexport will require the following:
- A commercial invoice for the product(s) displaying the wholesale cost of affected item(s).
- Copy of email or proof of customer communication.
- Including images of the product (if damaged)
Wholesale Cost of Affected Item(s)
We require proof of the total wholesale cost of the affected item(s). This can be obtained from your supplier and/or manufacturers. If you are unable or unwilling to provide this information, you may continue to file a claim via your Flexport Portal, but we ask that you enter 40% of the retail value along with a screenshot of the retail listing. Otherwise, please contact our Support team.
Customer Proof
If your customer is claiming that they have not received their order and tracking indicates that it has been delivered or that the products arrived damaged, we require detailed proof of the communication. Proofs can be in the form of images (.jpg
, .png
), data tables (.csv
), and documents (.pdf
, .doc
, .docx
Review & Reimbursement
Once your claim is submitted, we'll review your claim for approval and reimburse you in credits. These credits will be applied on your next invoice and any remaining credits will be carried over. You may review your submission in the Order Details page.
Once your claim has been approved, the expected reimbursement amount will be shown in the claim window on the order page.
IMPORTANT: Removal orders and other order issues such as order status inquiries, returns, stockouts and late orders should continue to be submitted to our Support team. Submissions of these issues through your Flexport Portal will result in claim rejections. For more information, please review our Claims Policy here.